
Good Housekeeping is Impressed!

The Perfect Bacon Bowl is now officially tried, tested and approved. Good Housekeeping magazine put the hot new Perfect Bacon Bowl to the test in their kitchen. Widely hailed as The Last Word in kitchen testing, Good Housekeeping was “surprised and impressed by the results.”

They went on to confirm what over 2 million Americans have already discovered: “The bacon was crisp and the bowl was round and sturdy.” When the testers tried replicating the results with other items around the kitchen, they discovered that the Perfect Bacon Bowl is far more than just a nice shape. Their bacon bowl cooked around a glass ramekin was “shrunken, lopsided and undercooked.”

None of this is a surprise to us: the Perfect Bacon Bowl is a great product. We’re proud that it’s connected so well with the American public and we wish the PBB, along with our friends at Edison Nation and Allstar Marketing continued success!
