Emson & Granite Rock: Red Hot!

This just in: EMSON wins Advertiser of the Year at the 2019 Adsphere Awards! These annual awards honor the top advertisers and brands in the direct response television industry and are presented by DRMetrix, a leading industry research company. We couldn’t be more pleased. Emson has demonstrated a consistent ability to create, sustain and grow nationally recognized brands.…

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Tunes Behind the Tunes

I know a bar called The Great Jones – a small, dense, bright-orange gem tucked between a fire station and Basquiat’s first proper studio in the Lower East Side. I used to work there. The Jones was low profile enough to have regulars. One such regular was Frank: a diminutive, hard-drinking man of many talents.…

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The State of Play

There is a prevalent misconception in our culture that “Play” ends with childhood, and is replaced by “Work.” This assumption is highly suspect, and I’m not the only one who thinks so. Fred aka Mister Rogers did not agree with the implication that play and work lie on opposite ends of the spectrum: “Play is often talked about as…

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